
 Email addresses :

If  you have made purchases of licenses or sets of puzzles of BrainsBreaker with some email address other than the one listed in your license, you can enter these email addresses here. This way, once the email address is verified, the listing of the additional sets of puzzles will reflect these purchases.

Next to each address there is a checkable box - Current - to tell which one of these addresses is the one active (where you receive emails) (The only case to send and email is to complete the coupon for upgrading from BrainsBreaker 4 to 5)

The first address listed is the one corresponding to your activation code, this one does not need updating except to tell if this is still your current email address.

Note: As the only purpose of this option is to assign your products to your account, there is no need to enter email addresses if the corresponding products appear already listed.

 Don't connect to cloud server :

The program connects to our server in order to know the status of your account, for example to list the packs of puzzles you bought or check if you are elegible for certain offers. You may disable accessing to the server with this option.