Welcome to BrainsBreaker jigsaw puzzles!

Here you can download the BrainsBreaker software, once installed on your computer it will handle the gift puzzle you received and allow you to play it.
When you have the software installed just double click the gift puzzle you received, and it should display on your screen, ready to play. (You don't need to install this again if you receive other gift puzzles).

BrainsBreaker jigsaw puzzles for Pc+Windows computers

For PC + Windows

Program version 5.8.8
Click the button below to start the download of the installer:

Download BrainsBreaker 5 single puzzle piece download
Jigsaw puzzle pieces (real sample)

BrainsBreaker jigsaw puzzles for Mac computers

For Mac computers with MacOS 10.13 or higher, Intel x64

Program version
Click the button below to start the download of the installer:

Download BrainsBreaker 5 single puzzle piece download
Jigsaw puzzle pieces (real sample)
jigsaw piecejigsaw piece