Season greetings with jigsaw puzzles

December 22, 2022

Dear friends,

We hope you have a wonderful holiday season. We wanted to invite you to join us in putting together a jigsaw puzzle. It's something great to do with friends and family, and it's a relaxing way to spend some quality time together.

Here’s our jigsaw puzzle for everybody. It comes with the shape "BB" which had our first version of the program, a long time ago, and that is still very popular.

When preparing the puzzle, we had several options to choose from and it wasn't easy to decide. We didn't want to throw away the other finalist so here is a bonus puzzle - a second Christmas puzzle! 😉, click here to get it.

And if you want even more puzzles, remember that we have for a limited time the Christmas pack, 25 puzzles at a very special price and many other sets always available.

Wishing you all the best this holiday season. favorite

Merry Christmas!

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